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Beautiful Smile



Easy tips to achieve and flaunt that beautiful smile

Brush your teeth twice in a day

We have been told this since we were young, yet most of us seem to have a hard time following this routine. The dentist's advice is we should brush and floss our teeth every after meal. If not possible, make sure to brush them at least twice a day. Don't forget to clean your gumline as well. It helps in removing leftover food particles and tartar buildup your mouth. It also stops bad breath causing germs dead in their tracks. You must change your toothbrush every 2 or 3 months. Using a toothbrush for too long and you'll be left with a brush that starts to lose its effectiveness in cleaning the nooks and crannies of your teeth and gums, which means more spaces for bacteria to breed in.

Use mouthwash after brushing

Toothpaste should be standard in our home dental care regimen as they help keep our breath fresh and teeth healthy, as well as give them a dose of fluoride, which protects teeth and makes them stronger. It is great in fighting against gingivitis, tooth decay, as well as promoting healthy gums. It is extra effective when combined with brushing and flossing.

Use a tongue cleaner

Don't forget to include your tongue when you are brushing every morning. Use a tongue scraper or cleaner to minimize the fungi, bacteria and dead cells that may cause bad breath. It also removes unabsorbed food particles from the tongue and is a huge plus when it comes to achieving optimal oral health.

Excess soda, caffeine, and cola are not good for your teeth

Sweet energy drinks, pop, and coffee can stain and erode the enamel from our teeth and may lead to tooth decay. These will stain your teeth permanently. Minimizing intake of such drinks will lead to teeth that stay whiter for longer periods of time.

Eat fibrous vegetables and fruits

Part of healthy living is eating fruits and vegetables. You must add these food in your diet especially the tough ones because they promote good dental health. Fibrous vegetables and fruits such as carrots and apples help in providing your mouth with a good scrub. It likewise stimulates secretion of saliva that helps wash away food particles and germs.

Eat food with high calcium

Proper amount of calcium ensures that you will have healthy bones and strong teeth as well. A new study has found that cheese guards your teeth against acid erosion caused by, tea, wine, coffee and soda. It decreases the chance of getting cavities as well as strengthen teeth.

Remove your dentures when sleeping

Make sure to remove your dentures at night and clean your mouth to avoid bacterial development from drinks and food. Massage your gums with a soft toothbrush and give your mouth a good wash.

Aside from following these tips, you should drink enough water to keep the cleanliness of your mouth and prevent bad breath. See the dentist twice a year to have a complete hygiene treatment.



How do you brush your teeth?

When we were young, we practice tooth brushing at least twice a day. But are we still maintaining that habit?

A commong mistake with oral care habits is that brushing is enough. In fact, brushing alone misses more than half of the germs in your mouth. People often forget that they should also clean between the teeth, your tongue, cheeks and the floor of your mouth. Our mouth has more germs than the whole populatin of earth! That is why it is important to ensure that you brush, floss and rinse every surface of your mouth.

Here are the top mistakes in brushing your teeth:

Brushing with hard bristles

People often like hard bristles, thinking that harder bristles are more effective at cleaning off the plaque, but in fact, the right toothbrush to use are ones with soft, round-ended bristles.

Using an old toothbrush

It is necessary to replace your toothbrush every two to four months, but most people still use their old toothbrush, even when the bristles are already frayed. These brushes are bad at cleaning the gaps between the teeth and the gumline, so by using old brushes, you're allowing more room for bacteria to accumulate in your mouth.

Wrong brushing technique

A lot of people brush in a straight back-and-forth or up and down motion, and this is actually the wrong technique. You must move your brush in a circular motion, the angle of the bristles of the brush must be at a 45-degree. This technique allows you to clean under the gums, where most bacteria are present.

Not brushing long enough

A big problem for your dental health is not brushing long enough. Typically, people brush their teeth for only 30 seconds when in fact it should be at least two minutes.



How to treat your bad breath

Do people stand away a few steps when speaking with you? Or do they always offer you a mint? If yes, you might have bad breath. Here are its causes and how to eliminate it.

Bad breath can manybe caused by some factors. One primary reason is poor oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day can remove any odor-causing bacteria.

Another cause of bad breath is the kind of food you consume. If you eat a lot of onions, garlic or strong spices, it creates an unpleasant odor that takes a while before it goes away. Smoking or chewing tobacco and any other unhealthy habits can also cause bad breath while irritating your gums and discoloring your teeth.

If you have bad breath, it could be a sign of more severe issues. Plaque that forms on the teeth, if left alone, can become breeding grounds for bacteria that causes periodontal disease and cavities. Another cause of bad breath is poorly fitting of any dental appliances. These can leave gaps and spaces in your mouth where food particles can gather and are hard to clean out.

To prevent bad breath, you must practice proper oral hygiene on a daily basis. Brush your teeth and your tongue daily and replace your toothbrush every three months or every after an illness. Floss right after you brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash. Have a dental check up with your dentist twice a year for an oral exam and consultation. Conducting an examination can help identify if your bad breath is a dental health issue or something else more severe. You must also quit consuming tobacco and drink a lot of water instead.



Keeping good oral health for life

Tooth damage is a very common dental health problem during childhood. It affects 50% of children and 70% adolescents. Studies says that untreated tooth decay can lead to more infections, pain and sensitivity that might lead to difficulty in speech and eating.

Poor dental hygiene in early years and genetics will affect your dental health in the later years. Having proper oral hygiene habits is not only good for our mouth, but it is good for our overall health as well.

Here are the good oral habits tips that experts recommend:

For Children's Dental Hygiene

- Parents must clean the baby teeth as soon as they grow. Use a soft fabric or a toothbrush and a little amount of toothpaste.

Don't put your child to bed with a bottle full of milk, juice or other sweet liquid. You should fill it with water instead to avoid baby bottle tooth decay.

-When they reach the age of two or three, you must teach your child the proper brushing and flossing. Monitor your children's brushing and flossing until they reach the age of seven or eight.

-When your child's permanent molars come out, try to apply sealants. Sealants are protective plastic coating put on the chewing surface of the back teeth.

-In any extreme sports like snowboarding, skateboarding and rollerblading, mouth guards should be worn.

Dental Concerns for Adolescents

- Visit your dentist first if you want to apply mouth art such as tattoos, oral piercings and decorative grills to avoid any complications.

-Piercings can cause infections and allergic reactions in the mouth. It can also cause erosion of the gums and teeth. This mouth art should be washed and cleaned every after the meal because it may harbor bacteria.

-Bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge consumption can also cause complications like dental cavities, enlargement of salivary glands, sensitive teeth, tooth enamel erosion, fungal or bacterial infections, dry mouth and trauma to the roof of the mouth.

-Smoking can cause bad breath, loss of taste, stained teeth, canker sores, oral cancer, bone loss, gum recession, and tooth loss with gum disease.

- Soda drinks usually contain phosphoric acid and a significant amount of sugar. Sugar can cause cavities, putting your teeth are at risk for more severe oral damage. The phosphoric acid found in soda hinders the body's ability to receive calcium which is essential for healthy teeth and bones.



Know how to prevent teeth grinding

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth at night. This condition can be painful if it is left untreated.

You are not aware that you are doing it at night, but when waking up in the morning, you will have jaw pain, headaches, or chipped enamel on your teeth.

There is no exact reason why bruxism occurs among people. However, personality and psychological factors, anxiety and stress have been shown in some studies to cause bruxism in individuals. Men and women are affected equally by bruxism. It is common for children and will lessen as you age.

What are the signs of bruxism?

The most common symptom is the grinding itself, but there are also secondary concerns. These are the teeth wearing, head muscle tenderness around the temple area, jaw muscle swelling, tongue indentation, morning headaches and pain during muscle movement.

If bruxism is left untreated, it will lead to a migraine, earaches, buzzing or hissing ears, ear congestion, and cold-sensitive teeth. In some instances, if the tooth damage is permanent, it will lead to extensive repair. Also, it causes chronic muscle and jaw joint pain, which will get worse with stress.

How to treat Bruxism?

See your dentist about this condition to prevent complications. There's no cure for this disorder, but it can be managed to lessen the effect on your teeth, jaw and surrounding muscles. The primary treatment is to use a nighttime mouth guard. It is the best option because it is safe and will protect your teeth.




We live in a modern day world where social media plays a huge role in our everyday life. Photos and videos– they matter to a lot of people these days more than ever. With selfies and instant photo sharing, a camera-ready smile is a must have. Each one of us would always want to look good if not best on our selfies. So here are five ways you can improve your selfies by flashing those pearly white teeth and healthy gums. It’s time to learn from the professionals here at Dental Corner!

Come up with a pre-selfie inspection - Before any big race, you'd take your car to get a tune-up. Likewise, when you take a selfie, you'll thank yourself later if you set aside a few minutes beforehand to tune up your grin. Just think of yourself as your smile's personal pit crew. Dab on a little lip gloss or tint, and check your teeth. You don't want Facebook to try to tag the spring of cilantro stuck between your teeth, do you?

Take good care of your teeth and gums – The best way to make an impression is to show the people on social media how healthy your mouth is. Your best smile will stem partly from feeling confident in your appearance. If your teeth aren't clean, you're not going to want to reveal them to the world. Of course you want to show off those pearly whites, right? So brush and floss regularly and make sure you visit your dentist at least twice a year for treatments. Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste for you. Remember that a gorgeous smile results to a gorgeous selfie!

Brighten your teeth – No one wants to flash yellowed or discolored teeth. But don’t worry, you can feel more confident in your smile if you whiten them. Visit Dental Corner today so we can arrange your Teeth Whitening treatment.

Look for the perfect lighting – The right lighting can make a huge difference with how you look on the camera lens. Always go for soft and natural lighting as much as possible.

Smiling isn't about looking perfect - it's about looking happy and confident. Your smile will look more beautiful if you face exudes confidence and relaxation. Worrying too much about your appearance will come through in your face, and you'll end up looking tense or disturbed in your photos. Just remember to be relaxed and think happy thoughts, and you'll be rewarded with a photo that captures you at your best.

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