Baby teeth are essential in a child's dental health and progress. It helps them speak, chew and smile. If a baby tooth is dropped early, it will affect the growth of the permanent tooth. The adult tooth or permanent tooth will drift into an empty part and make it difficult for the other tooth to find space when comes out. This condition can make the teeth crowded or crooked.
A dental visit should be done after a first tooth comes in. It is called well-baby checkup for an early age. Your dentist will also show you how to clean the child's teeth properly aside from checking cavities and other problems.
Here are tips to prevent cavities:
Maintain the cleanliness of your child's teeth. This method is the simplest way to keep healthy teeth.
Avoid or limit sugary foods and drinks (in particular for babies). Avoid utilizing bottle and sippy cup for your child. Fill it with water instead.
See our Pediatric dentist here at Dental Corner within six months when the first tooth comes in. With frequent checkups, our Pediatric dentist will observe the development of your child's teeth and gums prevent disease.