Orthodontics focuses on the alignment of the person's teeth and jaws to enhance their smile and dental health. The orthodontist will correct misalignment of the teeth and jaw with the use of braces. These braces can be fixed or removable. In more extreme cases, these braces may also include head gear. It also closes the gaps between your teeth and ensures proper alignment of the upper and lower set of teeth.
The causes of bad teeth alignment can range anywhere from genetic, to diet habits and lifestyle. Eating a lot of hard food frequently over a long period of time can contribute to misaligned teeth. A lot of children also have a habit of pushing their tongue against the back of the front teeth, also called tongue thrusting, which can contribute to misaligned teeth. In adults, wisdom teeth can contribute to misaligned teeth, when they grow perpendicular to existing molars, applying pressure onto them and pushing them out of alignment.
Depending on the type and severity of the misalignment, various types of braces are there to help fix them.
Before you begin with your orthodontic treatment, make sure that you know what kind of braces are being used and how they'll affect your teeth. There are three types of braces, all of which use wires and versatile bands to connect the braces together and align teeth:
Your orthodontist will help you pick the right kind of braces based on your particular case of misalignment. There are a couple choices to personalize your braces, such as choosing clear bands, so they're less obvious or giving children a chance to choose bright fun colors.
With braces, you'll have to brush consistently and thoroughly to remove food residue on the braces and avoid sticky food.
Having braces can be a little uncomfortable. Over time you'll get used to the braces and it will eventually feel a part of your daily life. This is only a temporary ordeal though. After your entire orthodontic treatment, you'll have a smile so attractive, you'll thank yourself for the investment you made.